Thursday, March 7, 2013


Good evening everyone,

Here is a few documents that I worked on tonight using Microsoft Office Publisher.  All the items that you see all coincides with a business that our instructor as chosen "National Association of Veterinary Assistants".

This is the first project that was completed in MS Publisher:  Business Card.  I chose a template that would go with a veterinary business.

Next we have a Calendar for February 2014.  This is also a template from MS Publisher.  I added a few items and explained those items further in the "Schedule of Events" section on the calendar.

This is an announcement that advertises for the Charity Valentine's Day Dance mentioned in the calendar.  I used a template, but chose a few different colors that goes with the month of "Love".

Lastly, I created a gift certificate that can be used with the purchase of tickets for the Valentine's Day Dance.  I also filled in some information that was needed, cannot have a blank gift certificate.

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